Q&A Wednesdays
🎧 Q&A: What we'd do differently, double standard parenting (or is it??), chores for college-age SK, and unsustainable burnout

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🎧 Q&A: What we'd do differently, double standard parenting (or is it??), chores for college-age SK, and unsustainable burnout

Q&A for 5.15.24 / 3 questions

Hello friends! Thanks to everyone who sent in questions. I forgot to say this during the episode, but if you’re listening along like “Omg I know EXACTLY how this person feels” then please pop into the comments and leave some kind words for these folks or even tips that’ve helped you. We’re all in this together!

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Q&A Wednesdays
A private podcast from Blended Family Frappé -- ask a question & we'll give you tips & guidance! xo